After a chat on twitter with my VP classmate Shannon Rampe and VP 18 alum Victoria Sandbrook, we all decided to be NaNo Rebels together and revise existing novels in November.
I haven't touched mine since either December (when I wrote an ending of sorts) or March (when I got to the ending in my critique group). I've been focusing on finishing my German teaching certificate this year, and I almost have (one module left!).
I'm re-reading it so I know what actually exists, and then I'll start on the revision and expansion process tomorrow. Its current word count is 51k, and there are a lot of things that need to be fleshed out, like descriptions and emotions and that sort of thing.
We'll see what happens and how far I get in the revision process in one month. If you're participating, feel free to add me as a writing buddy. My profile is here.
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